
Exercises are self-motivated activities to keep fit. Here at the CPM tutor, exercises are provided to assist you to practice what you have learned in previous sections of the tutorial. The exercises in Chapter 9 are provided to assist you to assess your understanding of the management techniques discussed in Chapter 8.

exercise 2

Begin this exercise by preparing a precendence diagram. This will assist you to layout a fenced bar chart that will be used to evaluate project resources.

Activity ID Prior Duration Resource 1 Resource 2
A - 2 3 2
B A 8 4 6
C A 6 8 6
D A 4 6 5
E A 3 4 1
F B 12 2 0
G C, D 4 7 9
H C, D, E 6 9 5
K F, G, H 3 2 0

Notes: (1) All durations are in working days. (2) resource columns indicate number of workers per day required to achive identified duration.

a. Draw a resource usage histogram for Resource 1 and Resource 2.

b. Assume there are unlimited resources to complete the project. Level the number of Resource 1 required through the project.

c. Assume there are unlimited resources to complete the project. Level the number of Resource 2 required through the project

d. How does the leveling of Resource 1 and Resource 2 impact the resource level of the other resource?